Andaman and Nicobar Islands is one of the Union Territories of India. It is interesting to know that there are about 570 islands of which 38 are permanently inhabited. Out of all the places that I have visited in India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands had been one of the best trips so far. It is not only the name or hype about this place that makes it remarkable. There are many other reasons for which you should read the following blog.

My journey started at Indira Gandhi National Airport, New Delhi. It was an early morning flight. I had to wake up at 3 am for this journey. It was 3.5 hours of aviation till we reached Veer Savarkar International Airport, Port Blair. For me, plane journeys have always been tough ones. Too much height gives me a headache. Going through tickling in the stomach and pain in the ears is a lot to handle. I enjoyed the food anyways. It was good.

On the way, from The Airport to The Resort, all I can see were beaches and coconut trees. There were not many houses or markets around. Only the main residential area had markets and shopping complexes(from where I bought shell jewelry and T-shirts printed with islands name on them). It was so serene and peaceful there.

After spending a day seeing beaches here and there, we decided to visit museums as they were appreciated in the Islands of The Andaman and The Nicobar Islands. The name of the Museum we visited was Naval Marine Museum SAMUDRIKA. Museums are seen as boring historical places but this was not at all boring (very honestly speaking). There were so many cool things to see. There were big aquariums inside with so many types of fishes I have never seen before. Not only that, there were a collection of shells. It was a whole auditorium filled with various types and shapes of shells. I also got a chance to see a big skeleton of the blue whale. It was as big as a submarine. The other museums I visited were also spectacular. They were depicting the lives of the tribes living in the forests of The Andaman and The Nicobar Islands. All this allowed me to dig deeper into the facts.

The next day, We visited a place very well known for its prison. Yes, The Cellular Jail, also known as Kala Paani. It was the first time I saw what a jail exactly looks like. This jail was giving me a pity feeling for all the prisoners that were captives there. They could not even escape because the place was surrounded by the sea all around. The view from the roof was the most beautiful view I have ever seen. It was a small island surrounded by waters and coconut trees from all sides. I could feel the cool breeze coming on my face after every few seconds. Here are some of the snapshots I captured from the place.

Eating snacks and food was not allowed inside. But I remember eating chips with my brother secretly. I was hungry. It was a different level of fun eating chips in Jail. I did this but you should not try it (Laughing Internally). We waited till the night for the Light Show. It was an amazing show explaining the life of prisoners through all lights and recorded voices. Unfortunately, I could not capture this moment on camera as it was not allowed. But one should experience this moment.

The next day, we left for Havelock Island. We had a cruise from Port Blair to Havelock. It was my first cruise. I was looking forward to it. New things and adventures fascinate me. Cruises are very comfortable from the inside. I never imagined what turned inside. There were seats to sit and music playing inside. There was a small restaurant for snacks. I was not interested in anything else. I was looking outside at the waves of the ocean. It was all looking so good. When we were going to Havelock, it was morning, and so the water was still and calm. Everyone was enjoying it. But I want to give an alert that while returning, it was evening. The waves were in high motion. As a result, the cruise was shaking too much. It was giving sea sickness. Many started puking. I could not see all that and so instead preferred to sleep. But all over was a good one for me.

When it comes to beaches, this place is filled with it wears out the mood at some point in time, watching the same thing each time. Now coming to what makes me remember this place now and then. I won’t remember this place for its beaches or the cruise. I will miss this place because this is where I gave myself the strength and courage for the first time to jump into the deep sea. Yes, Its the Scuba Diving. It was the best adventure of my life. I am going to remember this forever and always. Before we dive under the sea, we get training. My trainer was very sympathetic. I was nervous but he motivated me and gave me the feeling that this will be fun. He taught me the signs. Under the water, we cannot speak with the tank fitted so we can only use sign languages. I was scared but then he took me under the surface.
Slowly, my fear turned into excitement. I was able to see the underwater world. The fishes were not getting scared. They were ready to come into my hands. The underwater plants were not that treacherous either. I touched a sponge. It was sticky and I regret to touch it. I saw almost every colored fishes. I even saw a purple snake. It was harmless. There were many wrecks I could see under the water but I did not notice that much as it became blurry the deeper I went into the sea. I found a gold coin inside. My trainer handed me that gold coin. It felt like a treasure to me. But while coming on the surface, that coin slipped from my hands. It was a feeling as if I lost my treasure. I still think I should have taken extra care of that coin. It would not have slipped then. But now it is gone. I cannot do anything. I miss that day so much. So many memories were made in that one day itself.
Havelock Island has far been the most beautiful place I have been till now. It had beautiful resorts and fun water activities to do. One disadvantage was that there was no internet connection. Some take it as an advantage and others as a disadvantage. So till I was in Havelock, I forget about the internet and it's good to see the scenery around. There are many crocodile attacks spotted on the beaches but we did not see any. A part of me was happy because I had a crocodile phobia since birth. I faint whenever I see one. I get scared even in the pictures. Anyways, the sunset was so calm. This is one of the pictures taken by my mother. This was when I found out that she is also a good photographer. Haha. Thankful to her for this photo. I remember this as a beautiful view.

The adventure ended at top the top point of the Port Blair after returning from Havelock. I could see all the view from there and all the flights taking off flying above my head. This was another level of amusement. This trip was like a dream which is now over. I want to go back.