Here are some of my Prose/Stories....

Money Cannot Buy Happiness

These were the times when I used to believe that money can buy everything in this world. For me this world was as small as my geographic globe in the wardrobe. But sooner or later I realized that this world was bigger than I could have ever imagined and not all things here can be purchased with money or power in hands. Money can do wonders. It makes your life very smooth. Those who don’t have money have accepted their hard life and learned to live with it but those who have money to buy almost everything of their desires are still not happy with it. This is because it seems less each time. They never become happy with what they have and always crave for more. I was one of them. I was always told by my parents that if I urge for something I’ll definitely get it. But one day I asked them something which no one ever bought me. And it’s then that I realized how wrong I was about the world. Everything taught to me since I was a kid was not true. I went through many things when I entered this phase of my life. But before that let me start my story from the beginning.

My name is Carol. I’ve just turned 18. My dad is a very big businessman in..........industry. My mom is the daughter of a rich and famous actor of his times. She worked as a choreographer for some time but after marriage she left the job as she had to look after me and my father being very rich she didn’t liked the idea of working hard and earning money as it just required one call to dad and there it was everything that she needed. We were a happy and loving family with no problems. Financial problems never touched us. Dad has gone through it but it was long back. No one remembers it in this house and everyone is busy looking after me and making me happy all the time. You can say that I was some kind of a pampered child since I was born. I used to get everything that I needed. And sometimes when I asked for things and I do not get it immediately, I used to cry and throw tantrums all over the house. It actually worked. Immediately I got the things I needed. And each day I used to feel good about the fact how smart and clever I am that I can snatch anything in this world with the money my parents have. Nevertheless I knew that how much weak this attitude of mine was making me weak from inside.

Anyways, It was mid summers and my college was about to start. I was very excited to meet new people. I was waiting for it to start eagerly. Just my high school got over I started making plans for college. What clothes I’ll wear since I no longer had to wear uniform, what type of conversations I’ll have with people and of course how my new professors going to be. School teachers were very sweet and helpful. All these questions were going on inside my head. Dad bought me a new car so that it becomes comfortable for me travel instead of using public transport. I know how to drive but I had to take a driver along me for my parents don’t want me to end in any trouble. They think I can easily fell into an accident.

Finally the day has come for which I’ve been waiting for so long. I was getting ready for college and I saw my phone vibrating. It was my dad’s message. He was on his work tour visiting places and I actually find it very cool. I wished he could also take me along to visit places.

“Hey Carol! It’s your first day of college and I know how much excited you must be right now. I didn’t went to a very good college but you are going to a very brilliant one. I’m glad that I can give you a way lot more than what my parents gave me. I’m sure it would be too much fun. Enjoy over there but remember don’t fall into any problems. School life was easy but now you have entered a new world where things are not same. You have to handle things in a mature way. So be attentive. Study well. Have fun. And you don’t have to worry about if you need money. You will get whatever you want. Sorry didn’t get time to give a call. I’ll call you after your college in the evening. I miss you sweetheart…Take care!” -Love Dad

For a moment I keep looking at the sentence, “So be attentive”. What does he mean? Does he still think that I’m a child? I don’t understand when they will realize that I’m a grown up girl now.

I got into the car and was looking at my phone for unseen messages. We just drove few meters when suddenly the car came to a halt. I looked up and saw too much crowd around. “What is it?”, I asked the driver. “I don’t know ma’am. Let me go and ask someone.”, said the driver. It took the driver very long so I myself got out of the car and went towards the crowd. There I saw an old lady lying on the road. She was hiding her face so I couldn’t see it but I knew that she was crying. I asked the people what happened and they said that she was some kind of stubborn lady who twisted her ankle on the road and now she is not ready to go with a stranger to the hospital. It was then that I understood the situation. Old people of her age are actually stubborn. I remembered my grandmother not having breakfast cleaning her room. If they decide something, they do it and no one can stop them.

I was really late for my college so I made my way through the crowd and tried to see the lady’s face. I kept my one hand on her shoulder and other on her head. I whispered in her ears, ”Excuse me, grandma!”. Immediately she looked up. I was astonished to see her as she was my kindergarten teacher. I loved her the most. She loved me too. She also gifted me a doll on my birthday which I’ve still kept in my cupboard so carefully. I met her few years back when she invited me on her daughter’s birthday party. But now her daughter do job in some other city and her husband died of cancer. So she has no one now. I felt pity for her. She recognized me at that instant only. “Carol, how are you doing my dear?”, she asked. “Oh, I’m good ma’am”, I replied. “But what are you doing here? I think you should go to the doctor. You don’t want to go with a stranger but won’t you go with me as well?”, I asked. “Oh dear, it hurts so much. But I cannot rely on these strangers. Now you are here I will definitely go with you. Please take me to a good hospital safely!”, she said. I asked the driver to pick her up and her sit in the car comfortably. First the driver gave me very intense looks that I called a stranger in the car but then I explained him that she was my old school teacher and a good friend. I reached my college and told the driver to take her to the hospital and take her good care. I assured my teacher that my driver is very trustworthy and she won’t have any problem with him.

While I was getting down out of the car. She held my hands and I was pulled back. I looked at her and she said, “Today you helped me dear. I really don’t know how to thank you. It’s your first day in college and I can tell you something good will happen with you today. My blessings are always there for you. But be attentive. College is a complete different life. Make sure you don’t end up into any problems.” I thanked her and showed the sign to my driver to leave. I was already late. I never thought that my first day is going to be like this. I was very excited and wanted to reach first in the morning but now it was all crowded. There were still ten minutes left for the college to begin so I started exploring the infrastructure. Just I entered the library I didn’t noticed someone coming from the other side of the shelf and bumped into a boy. For a moment I didn’t realized what just happened. But then I saw a tall that I was leaning against a tall guy. He had hazel green eyes and dark brown hairs. He was indeed charming and good looking. I stared at him for about a minute when I realized that people were looking at me. I picked his book up which felt from his hands in the process. I apologized and went away blushing. I felt a little embarressed but then I thought that we will never going to meet again since he looked mature. He might be in second or third year. But coincidently he was sitting in the same hall as of mine. Now I was really ashen thinking about making an eye contact with him. But astonishingly, he approached me himself as soon as the recess started. “Hey, I’m Joey. I think our notes got mixed up while you bounced into me and book felt from my hands. Can you please check for it?”, said Joey. “Hello, I didn’t bounced into you intentionally. I didn’t saw you there. It was a mistake. Surely, I’ll check for your notes.”, I replied. That very moment I felt different. I felt like someone kicked my gut. He had such a manly voice. I wanted to hear him more and talk. But he said nothing more and was leaving just when I said, “By the way, my name Carol”. But he seemed uninterested. He just gave a smirk and went away. I even felt for his smirk. That night sitting on my window watching the rain I couldn’t think of anything else except Joey. I just wanted to think about him and nothing else. I wanted to make a picture of him in my mind and keep it forever. I didn’t knew what was happening to me. This never happened to me earlier. Not such intense atleast. That night he came in my dream as well. I knew somewhere or the other that I started liking him. I never knew that the starting of my college will be like this. I used to see him surrounded by many girls around. He was popular. He never talked to me though. I stalked him on social media as well. During this time I made many friends. I used to hang out with them and go out for parties. I used to pay the bills most of the times. It was not later that I realized that all these friends of mine are not with me because they like me but because of money. I was fine with this fact after all money is everything. I was lucky to be a daughter of a rich businessman who can buy anything with money.

I was thinking about how to start up a conversation with Joey. Now seeing him with other girls and not talking to me made me feel jealous. I decided to talk to him. As soon as the recess started I quickly arranged my books and came out of the hall just as Joey. I knew this was the only chance I had to talk because after that he would be surrounded by girls. He suddenly came to a halt while I was following him. He started searching his pockets and was anxious over something. I approached him. “Hey! Is there something wrong? You look tensed.”, I started. “Hey Carol! Actually I lost my money. It was there in my pocket but I think it felt somewhere I didn’t noticed. I don’t even have money to buy something to eat from canteen.”, he replied. I wondered what a great chance I have got. I can advantage of this moment. “Well, I have enough money. You can take it. I won’t mind. It will be a pleasure”, I said. “Oh Carol, Thank you so much. Let’s have lunch together today. What do say”, he asked. I nodded my head and we went towards the canteen. I was so happy that I finally made it till him. Like this we started our conversation and grew more and more every day. We started going out after college as well on shopping and parties. I used to pay for him most of the times when we go for shopping and he happily accepted the presents I give to him. I thought what if I didn’t had any money. Would he still be my friend? Were we that close as we were today? What if he had not lost his money that day and I won’t be having money to invite him with me to the lunch? It was all written in the destiny. Even in that time all that I was thinking about was what money made and not how greedy the people around me were. Money has closed my eyes that I could not see what the real world around me is doing to me. Still thinking about my childhood, I feel how innocent I was.

It was going to be a year now. I thought it was the time that I should confess him that how much I loved him. It was Saturday night and I night. These were the times when people started proposing through messages as they didn’t had enough courage to say face to face. So I sat there opening my chat box deciding what to write and I came up with this. “Hey Joey! I know this is going to sound weird. But there is something I really want to tell you since a long time now. I really like you more than a friend. No need to be shocked knowing this but this is true. I have deep feelings for you since the very first day I looked at you. It was funny how my first impression on you was when we bumped into each other. Later everything became good between us. Meeting of two us was destined. I had very amazing time with you. I feel most happy and alive with you. I wished we could become an important part of each other lives and so here I am to tell you all my feelings to you. You are very good looking and a very nice person. You know I can do anything for you. Ask me anything and I’ll give you everything. I love you a lot. I’m waiting for your response.” Carol

That night I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about what he will say on this. I waited for so long but didn’t get any reply. Even after he saw the message he didn’t replied. An hour later I got a message from him.

“Carol! I read your message. I don’t know what to say. I never knew that so much was going on inside you. I really don’t want to hurt you but I don’t love you. We cannot be together. I always thought you as a friend of mine. And that day when you offered me money I thought you are a friendly person and it’s good to talk to you. You are very sweet girl Carol. And you deserve a lot better. I’m really sorry!” Joey I was taken aback. This was horrible. I did so much for him. Each time I was there when he needed me. Now when I need him he is taking a step back. He was being just my friend. How insane is this. I was realizing that he was just my friend as he said but only because of money that I own. I cried the whole night and didn’t woke up till late. It was Sunday and usually sleep till late morning on Sundays. But it was almost afternoon when my father came to check upon me. He saw my swollen eyes and got scared. “What happened my dear? Why you’ve been crying?”, he asked. “Dad, I didn’t get something I wanted too much for an year. Something that was so close to my heart. I don’t know what to do”, I said. “You know well dear your father could get you whatever you want. We don’t have any problem related to money. Ask me anything and I’ll get you but please stop crying. I cannot see you like this”, dad said. At that time my mother also came running when she heard me crying.

“Dad, there is a boy in my college. His name is Joey and I love him so much. But he says he doesn’t love me. He thinks me as a friend only. I want him dad. You just said you can get anything for me. Then please get me Joey. I beg you. I really love him and no one else”, I said crying and pleading. My dad flabbergasted the moment he heard what I was asking from him. Dad gave a very horrifying look to mom. “You said dad that you can get me everything. You have so much money. We are so rich. Then why is this happening with me?”, I said.

Then there was a complete silence for a moment. After a while my mom breaking the silence said, ”Carol, If you would have asked for something else, we would have definitely given you. You have seen that we tried to fulfill your demands each time. But now what you have asked from your father is impossible. We are really sorry. We cannot get you this. What you have asked for is unaffordable. And it’s of no good dear. You have to understand that if you buy relationships with money, then love has no place in it. It will kill your happiness if you try to make forced love in someone. You cannot buy love. These are few things which you need to understand as a grown up”. They went away and left me alone in my bedroom. They themselves were so confused thinking what to say to me about the situation I’ve created for myself.

Now little by little my eyes started opening. I started to understand everything. I was wrong about life and wrong about money. I always got what I want with enough money in hand. But I cannot buy love and relationships. Few months back I got to know that my old kindergarten teacher died because of old age. I got another lesson that I cannot my health and age with money. As the time passed by I understood everything and now I can say that I have reached the age of adulthood. My innocence was no more childhood. I forgot about Joey. I don’t even know which part of the world he is and what does he do. Maybe he is earning a lot of money or else having rich friends or wife. I don’t think about him now since I have a very kind husband who is rich but definitely not greedy. He is my big motivator and supporter who guides me towards the right direction. I am happy with whatever happened to me. Even today I look back at those times. I laugh at the incident rather than crying.