Here are some of my Poetries....

Hello, Goodbye

You say hello after every bye,
But how will I ever hear anything from you after your final goodbye?

Just like a bright day comes after every scary night,
Your talks give me so much delight.

My dreams are turning into imaginations,
But when will you fully wrap your arms around me till satisfaction?

If you ever tell me about your dislikes.
I promise you will never be in a need to tell me about your likes.

You come in my life once in a while like an eclipse,
But I want you to be there with me till the apocalypse.

The reason I don’t wanna shut these eyes just to see each time you smile,
I desperately ask God, why you made my heart so fragile?

More than half of the guilts I have kept,
When the love letters I have ever written were while I wept.

How will I tell you all this with so much glory?
When all you will be just an apology!

I cannot tell you everything with this monotone
Because then you will leave me and forever gone.

All these thoughts inside me runs like a fear,
So I wish these things you never hear.

Atleast you say hello after bye,
But how will I ever hear anything from you after your final goodbye!

People Do not Change With Time,
But Change With The Priorities They Define

The priorities I set were changed everytime.
I still don’t remember how writing with my first pen
changed into typing my computer keys for the first time.

I started my journey by reading novels and writing essays
to become a writer,
But now I am coding all day in front of a screen
to become a programmer.
I realized that the childish innocent heart once asking
for just happiness,
Is now the brain telling me to work restless.

Growing old, traveling to places, getting new jobs
showed a turning point in life,
Only to discover that this difference was essential
as my priorities diversify.

I know you all are a little disheartened to hear
that after a few years my habits are alterated,
But I shouldn’t apologize because what do you think?….even
my favourite games are remoulded.

Being a kid I used to think that changing with time
is so imprecise,
But when I got matured I concluded that
changing with priorities is absolutely fine!

Love Or Life

What do you do when you have to choose between love and life?
It's not the first time when such choices are interfering with your brain
and fighting with your soul. But this is the last chance.
Any wrong decision can ruin everything in moments.

Our life is our priority ...and choosing life is choosing adventure.
But love is important too. Love can leave you one day without any reasons
but life never does without a specific reason.
At the same time there's no life without love. Silly brains with silly thoughts.
What do you think you do when you have to choose between love and life?