And The Journey Of Life Begins...

Dear Diary
17ththJune 2021,

Something good I am doing these days. I started helping my mother with the household and I started cooking as well. It is not too bad. But I am too lazy to do all that. Recently I realized if I learn all these things, I'll be one step more towards an independent life. Already I am working hard on my studies. It is obviously my first priority. To have an independent and successful life, one should know everything a little bit.

Dear Diary
21stMay 2021,

When people are important, ours and theirs every step can twist the story to a great extent and that it matters. When I look behind, I find a million of reasons where I allowed to create the plot of my story in this way.

Dear Diary
7thMay 2021,

So, A random thought. I think I should learn how to take out the bullets out of a riffle. Just in case I need in the future. LoL.

Dear Diary
1stMay 2021,

I started reading a play of William Shakespeare - All's Well, That Ends Well. It is a nice play and I came across few lines that I loved so much because it has such a nice meaning. I want to share these lines with everyone. The lines depict that the person who is dead deserves a mourning by everyone. But the person who is mourning has grief and his living life becomes its enemy. But once you become enemy to grief, the grief becomes mortal and no one can conquer you. Such a spiritual thought.

Dear Diary
23rdApril 2021,

I don't have much to say but I want to write. The weather is good today. The wind is blowing gentle. I am on my terrace. The moon is beautiful. The trees are swirling. The buildings are lighting. It is all so silent here under the sky. Each wave of wind on my face blowing my hairs is filling me with a little more hope and joy. I call it the sign of Universe - as it gives a new way of living life in the itsy-bitsy moments like this.

Dear Diary
1stApril 2021,

I am here in Uttrakhand at my nani's place. She has this new house between the fields and it is all so beautiful here. Delhi has so much pollution. But here everything is so nice. Even the weather.

Dear Diary
26thFeb 2021,

I thought I will forever blog for myself only. But now I am also blogging for my uni society. Yes, I have been given a position of editorial coordinator at non-profit organisation IEEE WIE. I am really happy for this post and to clear the interview round. Now since I am the core member, I had to write many reports and editorials for the club. This is not too tough for me though. I love my work.

Dear Diary
23rdFeb 2021,

I missed my online exam because of some technical issues duh..So I had to give them offline. I was a little tensed but I managed to get A+ in both the exams, Chemistry and Engineering Drawing. This was too the first time I visited the college and the classrooms. So I explored the various buildings of my university once I was through with exams. Here too library has been the best place for me as far.

Dear Diary
23rdJan 2021,

College is not that smooth as I thought. It is not only about grades anymore. It is about internships, jobs, and future.

Dear Diary
31stDec 2020,

It's time to say goodbye to 2020. This year I felt like I was able to find some true friends. Throughout this pandemic, away from my friends I realized who are actually the ones never going to leave me alone. I do not regret meeting anyone in my life even those who parted their ways. I am very close to finally think mature. Let's just try to be a better me from 2021 and start my beautiful day with many hopes, confidence and smiles. I am looking forward to happy and independent myself.Yaya...

Dear Diary
29thNov 2020,

I know I don't write much these days. I do not get time after so many daily assignments. Even when I get time I don't know how I waste it on social media. So many things going in my life and I have no clue what I am doing except sitting on my comfortable bed, drinking hot turmeric milk for immunity and thinking about future. Anyways, Diwali just went by few days back and I messed few things as usual. I made the best ever rangoli till now, the only misfortune was I didn't notice a candle in my balcony while taking photographs and my hairs caught fire. Their was a spark and a sizzling noise. I literally got scared thinking that it was my clothes which caught fire. But soon I realized that those were my hairs which got burnt from one side. I cried the whole night. But anyways, now they are okay.

Dear Diary
18thSept 2020,

Finally I took admission in a private university for 4 year BTech Program in Computer Science. I was sure that I will get admission in Delhi University but still I am going for this stupid college because I want this course. This is the final decision and I choose my interest over college. I never thought of taking this road in future. But god had some other plans for me.

Dear Diary
2ndSept 2020,

I thought school over means stress over. But the real stress starts now. Yess...I have to decide about college now. Hard times never get over. I am confused about the course too. I want a good college as well as a course of my choice and I cannot have both of them together. I wish I had worked a little more harder for it but now I have to decide from this. I don't even know what I have to do in life till now. But I know somehow I will find a way out.

Dear Diary
6thAug 2020,

Yay, today I wrote my first poem. Writing a poem was fun. It was much better than a normal para blog. It sounds more beautiful and relatable.

Dear Diary
9thJuly 2020,

I am being so weird these days. Literally, I have started avoiding people. More than that I have been sitting on in the garden watching sky and noticing animals these days. Today I was looking at the fighting squirrels on the tree and wondering what do animals talk. Do they also undergo drastic moodswings like me? I just think too much these days.

Dear Diary
27thMarch 2020,

Omg! We all are stucked here at home because this covid-19 spread. Our Board exams are postponed and we have this 21 days of lockdown. I just hope that everything becomes normal again as I cannot sit in front of screen 24 hours stressing my eyes. I wanna go out and enjoy after all that was the after boards plan. Now we cannot go and we all are screwed up.

Dear Diary
9thMarch 2020,

Today was the SuperMoon night. It is the night when the moon is closest to the Earth. I watched it from terrace. It was the first time I observed a SuperMoon. It appeared so big and beautiful. Even the starts appeared so clear in the sky. These are the type of nights I need daily. Watching the moon in peace.

Dear Diary
24thJan 2020,

My story has been an extraordinary one till now. It was all life revolving around the school. My nine years were good enough to make some memories. It all started in 2006 and now ending in 2020. Finally! Today is my Farewell. The day I was most excited about. It is not only that I will be going to college soon rather about getting dressed up in saree and high heels. And not to forget, I am too much crazy about the makeup thing. Since it is the last day of school before exams, I really want to recall all the good and bad things happened in school. Actually there was nothing good. As far as I remember, my childhood was blur...not much friends, not much enemies. I was quiet, do not talk much, do not remember getting into conversations. I just sat at the corner reading novels. I did't had anyone to share my happiness or sadness. Books became my all time companion. Something I will always remember about my school is my library. The most peaceful place to be. And of course my besties dream destination...washroom, Lmao. We had to go there after every hour. Sometimes I wish I had attended more parties with classmates rather than sitting at home watching movies. However, In all this boring life I met some strangers in high school whom I now call animal best friends. They were the only Homo Sapiens I needed to make memories before leaving school. If I can remember anything good about school, it will be these few selective friends I am having and for always. They taught me about life. They were the best thing that happened to me.